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My 2018 in review

Updated: Dec 29, 2019

Love it or hate it, 2018 has come to an end, opening up a new 365-day chapter: 2019.

2018 has been one heck-of-a-year for me. Lots of ups↑ . Lots of downs↓. Lots of laughs 🤪. But not a lot of tears 💦. I can’t really say whether it has been a good or bad year, but I could say in confidence that I went through a lot.

In 2018, I discovered more about myself. I took up many challenges, pushed myself out of my ordinary routines. I also realized my limitations, and also some of my bad sides. But most importantly, I became aware of myself, how my style has changed, my mindsets, priorities, and also, personalities.

With that being said, I want to have a flip through of my 2018 schedule, to reminisce the activities I finished, and also, to recall some of the many memorable memories.


☀️ January - February ☀️

Looking back, I didn't really do much during the first 2 months of the year. Really wished that I had spent it more wisely 😭

Ah right‼️ I took Photoshop and Illustrator Courses at ColorMe. (pretty much it LOL)

🌤 March - April 🌤

On March 23rd, I left for Japan. Crazy as it might sound, but I didn't obtain my VISA until the Monday earlier that week ‼️ (and my flight was on THURSDAY). NOT JUST THAT, but the week before my departure, I went to Phu Cat, Binh Dinh, to visit the children and did the Research Fieldwork for DREAM CLASS. I have been doing this every year since High school Second Year, and I wouldn’t miss it for the world 🌎

April, my adventure in Japan began. I can vividly remember the cold breeze ❄️ the cherry blossoms 🌸 the nectarous onsen puddings 🍮 the spontaneous field trips to Aso, to Takeda, to Oita, and to the small corners and alleys of Beppu itself ♨️ It was the beginning. I was soon to embark on countless journeys; To meet the people that changed my viewpoints and personality drastically; To take on challenges that slowly shifted my interests, skills, and plans.

⛅️ May - June ⛅️

May, I slowly started to catch up with the rhythm of APU and of Beppu. I joined 荒馬諸, a traditional dance-performing circle on campus. Later on (during summer vacation), my circle and I went to Aomori prefecture - the birthplace of this dance, to meet and learn from the local people.

School-wise, I also really enjoyed the classes I took, particularly SSAW *. On a footnote, I realized this could have been the turning point of my interest and potential career (?). I found the joy in writing, and was lucky enough to discover my own style of writing - a structured writing format, with incorporation of personal ardor and media.

Then came June, so far the most assiduous month of 2018. It was Shinjin Koen, an event where traditional Japanese circles perform alongside each other on the same stage. I was also practicing for World Festival. Battling with 2 performances at the same time, and trying to balance out my studying, I gradually withdrew from my traveling, my art, and also, my writing. Nonetheless, being in a circle allowed me to understand from a more insightful, cultural-performing aspect. 荒馬諸 is, and will forever be an important chapter of my APU life.

🌥 July - August 🌥

July - my Birthday Month ♥︎♥︎ I celebrated my 18th birthday in Japan. It was an eventful night. At the stroke of midnight, my friends started to chant some songs against my door, wishing me a belated birthday. They bought me a cake, and Jungyoon composed all the wishes into a birthday note. I couldn't have asked for anything better than that. 🎉

August - SUMMER. It was one hasty summer vacation. Starting off with me going to Aomori, and finishing off with me traveling back to Vietnam and joined in DREAM CLASS project. 6 weeks went by in a blink of an eye.

☁️ September - October ☁️

September - did anything happen LOL? Ah right! 5th batch came ♥︎ It was my first time meeting my buddies. Seriously, couldn’t have asked for better ones 👭

October - I started my first part-time job at Suginoi. I work as a waitress (they call it バイキング) at a buffet restaurant. Contrary to most viewpoints, Suginoi treats its employees (or me at least LOL) fairly, and I enjoy my job lots. I gradually pick up the beat at my working place, and started gaining trust from colleagues and ”controllers” (how us baitosei call the boss).

Alongside my part-time job, I was also in the organizing committee of Tenku Festival 2018. Honestly, this was one of the many decisions I regret taking ever since I came to APU. Too much energy and attention was drained because of this 2day event. Nonetheless, I also felt lucky to have signed up for this labor-intensive work, as it was the first time I got to experience the real ”Japanese” working environment. Not pretty 😅

🌦 November - December 🌦

I started my first Teaching Assistant job (TA) for the GCEP Program at APU (at the end of October). I got to meet and work with such an amazing team, and my trainee worked hard and improved bits by bits every day. #proud. Missing our 5-hour talk at Joyfull 😅☀️

Ah, finally, the end. December.

My first time participating in a social entrepreneurial business competition (HULT PRIZE at APU). This extraordinary 3-week of hard work partially realized our team’s idea to help impoverished youths in metropolitan areas. Although we did not advance to the Regional round, I felt so lucky to meet my dream team. We were dynamic. Industrious. Resilient. Committed. Goofy. Noisy. We had it all. Honestly, one of the best thing that happened this semester. 💕

🌨 Goodbye 2018 🌨

So, love it or hate it, 2018 ended.

2018, the year I moved to Japan for university.

2018, the year I took more risk.

2018, the year I made more mistakes.

2018, the year I became aware of the changes in me and around me.

2018, the year I felt different about myself.

2018, the year I learned to love myself a bit more.

and 2018, the year I became a bit emore go-centric.

But it’s okay,


love it or hate it,

2019 has come ☀️

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