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losing my wallet on Christmas Day. yikes !

Just when you think the holiday couldn’t get any merrier, my careless self decided to flip it around.

I lost it. I lost my wallet on the bus. I lost my wallet on Christmas day.

I got on the bus at 1:04pm to go downtown for some Christmas grocery shopping. It was a long ride (around 50 minutes) to the T&T - the only grocery market open on December 25th. With long rides as such, it becomes habitual for me to fall asleep on the ride. So i curled up in my winter jacket and leaned against the window. 50 minutes passed, I hopped off. As I made my way towards the market, I checked for my pockets.

It was not there.

I couldn’t feel the boxed-shape wallet in the pocket of my jacket. The first thing went through my head immediately was the bus. It must have fallen off as I leaned against the window.

#!!@&? ー my mind froze. I wanted to scream aloud.

WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO ?! EVERYTHING WAS INSIDE THE WALLET - my money, bus card, debit card, ID card, residence card (!!), they were in there.

”I’m so screwed I’m so screwed I’m so screwed what were you thinking !!!!”, a bazillion things went through my head at once. I couldn’t tell whether I was suffocating a bit, or it was just my tight scarf.

I gathered myself up in 45s and reached for my phone. I searched up “I-dropped-my-purse-in-Vancouver”. My heart tightens. I got the link the Translink Customer service. I dialed the hotline. A woman picked up.

Thinking aback, I wonder where I got the strength to stay so calm. She asked me some questions to file the case, I calmly answered, although inside my mind I felt like fondue - boiling hot and melting.

As it was the holiday, the police was away. I kind of expected so. By the time she hung up, I already planned out the things I would do next:

1) Call the Translink police in case they were still working. They were not.

2) Calm down and text my mom. 3) Recall what was in the wallet and see how I could deal with it. Ready to either cancel all my cards, or ready to report to authorities (about my IDs).

By this point I already did everything I could. The only thing I could do was to wait (it might take up to 2 days for the police to get back to me, as it was a back-to-back holiday). So I took a deep breath, in, and out, and decided to finish my shopping. I was too stressed anyways and only food could make up for it. Luckily I had my debit card set up on my Iphone, so I could track my card activities and make some transactions.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Then came, the second problem.

I did not have a bus pass to go back.

I was nervous, but took the chance and hopped on the bus anyways. I tried tapping my phone onto the card reader. "Card rejected". I tried once more. "Card rejected".

Before I could say anything, the driver mouthed at me - "It's okay". I am forever grateful. I wanted to give him a hug, but I missed the chance. I then quietly sat at the back of the bus, and fell asleep with a bag of grocery on my lap. Another 50 minutes passed. I was back at my residence. "Thank you. Happy holidays"

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

"How am I supposed to get in . . ."

Came another problem . . . I put the key to my apartment in the wallet. *sigh*. I went for my phone and started dialing. I needed a place to stay over.

As I was waiting for my neighbor to pick up and house me for a couple of hours, two ladies from the office came to me. At my residence you can ask for a replacement card if you forgot your own, but you have to give the old card back within 24 hours, otherwise a fee will be imposed

- Hi. I lost my wallet on the bus. I cannot get in (my house), but I don't have a card to give it back to you afterwards. I was not tearing up, but there was weight in my voice.

- Oh my. It's okay, I'll make you a new one. You don't have to give me back the old one. Just write down your information right here.

What had I done to receive such kindness from these people. The day turned out not so bad after-all.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Lesson learned. My take-aways

I'm here inside my room, snuggling up in my blanket while typing on my computer. All thanks to the bus driver, the lady from the office, and well, to me. Not for my carelessness, (which I take 100% responsibility), but for staying calm and trying to resolve the problem. So for you guys, the readers, and for future me to prevent incidents of such to happen, try to keep these in minds:

When going on public transportation

⊳ Be attentive to your belongings.

Check your surroundings before, during, and after getting on and off public transports ⊳ Pay attention to details.

This includes:

  • - Bus number / route

  • - Time and destination when you get on / off

  • - (Bus) driver's name / appearance (not necessary but just in case)

  • - (Bus) code - each transportation has a code designated, usually labeled outside and inside the vehicle. If you are able to name the code, it will save time to identify the (bus) you were on

each transportation has a code designated
each transportation has a code designated

When you lose your belongings

⊳ By all means, STAY CALM

Easier said than done. Creating stress to cover stress will not resolve anything. Curse if you have to, let it out (verbally) to generate calm and control. But don't curse loudly, and at other people okay ;)!

⊳ Recall what was missing

Credit card, debit card, bus pass, IDs, cash, etc. Try to remember in details what was lost, and how important it was. I did not have much cash at the time (only $30, ish), but many of my IDs and cards were in there.

⊳ Take immediate actions

  • - Cancel ALL your cards to prevent strangers from getting access to your cards

  • - Call authorities (public transport customer service) to file a case and consult what you can do. You can search up contacts and information online

  • - Text someone, your family, friend, anyone you trust.. When you are stress or frustrated, there is a tendency to leave out or overlook options, sensible and practical options, because you are busy handling your emotions. That was why I texted my mom and she told me to cancel all of my cards.

⊳ Patiently wait

By now (hopefully) you have done everything within your power to retain the belongings.

In my situation I was both lucky and unlucky. Lucky that I got off only a few stops away from the final station, so high chances the bus driver would find my wallet; Unlucky that it was Christmas Day, and Boxing Day followed. Therefore, I will not hear anything from the police until the holidays were over. So my best take, is to wait patiently and hope for the best. If not, time to renew all my cards.

To sum up:

To sum up, I lost my wallet on Christmas Day. I want to attribute it to pure chance, because it was the first time I left the house without a bag (I usually put all my wallet and phone inside a bag). But anyways, it already happened, and I am waiting for some (good) news.

But I am not sad.

I am disappointed in myself for being careless. But I am also grateful. I am grateful for the kind bus driver who gave me a ride back; and I am grateful for the office lady that made me a new house key. He could have kicked me out of the bus, and she could have charged me for the new card.

But they didn't.

They made my day.

Isn't that, a Christmas miracle ;) ?

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