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6 tips to stop being so hard on yourself

Updated: Jul 30, 2022

🔥 We are usually much harder on ourselves than others. Sometimes you are your biggest critic. But you need to recognize when you are being TOO HARD on yourself so you can KILL NEGATIVE THINKING ⚔️ ⠀

Here’s 6 tips for how to STOP being hard on yourself (from Anna Vital)⠀

⚡️ There is NO RIGHT WAY to do anything. Don’t limit yourself to a RIGHT or WRONG way⠀

⚡️ Your mistakes are part of your learning. Learn to be RESILIENT in the face of failure⠀

⚡️ Don’t COMPARE yourself to others because you aren’t them.@garyvee said: “My ability to not compare, is a core fundamental strength”⠀

⚡️ STAND UP for WHAT YOU BELIEVE, even if it’s unpopular. Stop giving in to what others think

⚡️ Accept your weakness. You aren’t good at everything you do, but nobody else is either 🤷🏻‍♀️

⚡️ Intelligence is relative, self-esteem is not. Stay positive, take care of yourself, forget about being Perfect, and always-keep-improving yourself⠀

Let me know if you use other tips to be kinder to yourself 🌿 comment down below and let’s spread kindness and positivity 🌸⠀

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